4883 Oakland DriveLydnhurst North$75,613Property Tax (2019): $3,189.82Effective Property Tax Rate: 4.22%Buyer: SFR3 020LLCSeller: Lena L. Anderson
5163 Lynd Ave.Lydnhurst North$165,000Property Tax (2019): $3,700.32Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.24%Buyer: Marjolein M DanfordSeller: Christopher and Lori A. Brickley
1892 Brainard RoadAcacia Country Club$110,000Property Tax (2019): $3,844.38Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.49%Buyer: Teresa C AngelottaSeller: Hagop Topdjian and Lucine K Mirakian
5191 Case Ave.Lydnhurst North$110,000Property Tax (2019): $3,827.20Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.48%Buyer: Dael A. Shalev and Moshe NersonSeller: R & M Home Rentals 3 LLC