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There are 132 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in week ending July 15
There are 132 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in the week ending July 15 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
June: 663 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County
There were 663 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County during June, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Licensing: Which professional licenses in Cuyahoga County were issued in Q2?
There were 2,813 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County during the second quarter of 2023, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Cuyahoga County in Ohio sees 28.9% decrease in number of professional licenses issued in June
There were 663 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in June 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Cuyahoga County in Ohio sees 100% decrease in number of professional licenses issued in week ending July 1
There were zero professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending July 1, 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many professional licenses were issued in Cuyahoga County in week ending July 1?
There were 157 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending July 1, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many professional licenses are issued in Cuyahoga County in week ending June 24?
There were 159 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 24, 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Licensing: Which professional licenses in Cuyahoga County were issued in week ending June 24?
There were 159 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 24, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
1451 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in week ending July 1
There are 1,451 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in the week ending July 1 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
There are 824 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in July
There are 824 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County during July in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many professional licenses are issued in Cuyahoga County in week ending May 20?
There were 260 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending May 20, 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Decreasing number of Cuyahoga County professional licenses issued in week ending June 17
There were 165 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 17, 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Cuyahoga County saw 165 professional licenses issued in week ending June 17
There were 165 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 17, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
There are 143 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in week ending June 24
There are 143 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 24 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
How many professional licenses were issued in Cuyahoga County in May?
There were 928 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County during May, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
18.8% less Cuyahoga County professional licenses issued in week ending June 10 compared to previous week
There were 164 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 10, 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
164 professional licenses were issued in Cuyahoga County in week ending June 10
There were 164 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 10, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
There are 121 professional licenses that will lapse in Cuyahoga County in week ending June 17
There are 121 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 17 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Cuyahoga County has 2,635 professional licenses expiring in Q3
There are 2,635 professional licenses expiring in Cuyahoga County during the third quarter of 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.
Cuyahoga County professional licenses issued in week ending June 3 compared to week ending May 27
There were 151 professional licenses issued in Cuyahoga County in the week ending June 3, 2023 in Ohio, according to the eLicense Ohio Professional Licensure System.